Benefits and Dangers of taking Senna leaves(especially as a supplement in slimming tea)

I decided to write about these leaves after taking a herbal slimming tea and visited the toilet almost 8 times in one day😁

Origin and use

Senna is a herb (legumes)which originated from Egypt but it is now grown world wide even in  in India and Somalia. These leaves help solve the problem of constipation therefore they are used as laxatives (meaning they help your bowels to remove waste easily). 
They are also used in making several slimming teas and the dried ones can be sold over the counter in pharmacies and shops. 
How it works
Senna contains an active substance known as Sennosides (also called Senna glycosides), They cannot be absorbed into your digestive system therefore they are actually broken down by your gut bacteria. These in turn irritates your colon and stimulates your intestines to remove waste faster hence its laxative effect.

Fresh Senna leaves
Benefits of taking Senna leaves

  • Helps reduce constipation 
  • Reduces bloating in the stomach (it worked for me)
Dried Senna leaves

 Dangers of taking Senna leaves

  • There is no scientific evidence that shows its use as a weight loss agent
  • Causes stomach cramps (even before using the toilet you will feel pain)
  • Causes nausea and diarrhea in some people
  • When used for a long time may alter your body's normal bowel movement function. This makes your body depend on it to remove waste products
  • Can lead to eating disorder when used as a weight loss supplement
  • Prolonged use may lead to liver damage
My Recommendation

Even if you buy it as a supplement contained in herbal slimming tea, do not take it for more than 7 consecutive days( 7days at a stretch: my friend suffered serious dehydration when she did). Better still take just once a week to remove toxins and detox your colon. 

So read the content of your herbal slimming tea before taking it or consult your doctor.

If you really have to take it, then take one tea bag a day (highest should be two if your constipation is severe). If it is the dried leaves then make sure it is 1 or 2 grams only you should put in the hot water

To lose weight just adjust your daily diet and lifestyle by reducing your carbohydrate intake and increase your protein intake so you can be full for a longer period during the day.  

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