See Omotola Jalade-Ekehinde reply to her instagram follower who said her husband is Cheating and Bleaching

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde hardly engages in an exchange
with her followers on Instagram, but today, she took
time to not only shut down a fan’s rude rants, she also
looked up the Instagram user before confirming what
many of us feel about most of these trolls: that they are
Two days ago, the screen goddess shared a photo of her
husband Captain Ekeinde and she called him her ‘Man
Crush Monday.’ While many of her fans made positive
comments about her family, an Instagram user with the
handle ‘Asoebistyles’ decided to spit pent up venom all
over the post and even attacked other commenters who
called her out for rudeness, until Jalade-Ekeinde ended
it all with class.
Read the exchange:

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