Pregnant mamas see Natural ways to induce labour

Congratulations! You are now in the last few weeks of
your pregnancy and set to deliver your baby anytime!!
You are now done with the hospital bookings, your bag
is ready with all your essentials and you have also
decided on the name for your baby . Surprisingly, you
don’t quite feel ‘the action’ happening – your baby just
doesn’t seem to be in the hurry to arrive anytime sooner.
No contractions, no twinges-nothing! While good things
do come to those who wait, you don’t exactly want to
be overdue and face the stress of having an induced
labor. There are some fantastic ways that may help you
out with such a situation.
Ways On How to Induce Labour Naturally:
By using the following natural stimulation methods, you
can now make sure you progress into your labor with
ease, and sure enough, you’ll be holding a beautiful
little baby in your arms. The best part is that these
methods do not have any side effects.
1. Nipple Stimulation:
This one may sound crazy, but has proven to be
effective in lot of cases. Gently stimulating the nipple is
thought to induce uterine contractions which help your
body progress into labor and get ready for childbirth.
If you have enjoyed a normal pregnancy with no
complication whatsoever, this could be a great way to
stimulate labor naturally. Studies have found how 37%
women who tried this method went into labor within just
72 hours- so you must give it a try.
2. Acupressure:
Acupressure is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM), which uses stimulation of certain points on your
body to heal and/or bring changes. It is believed that
acupressure could be a good way to naturally induce
labor without any side effects associated with it.
While there are limited studies to suggest the credibility
of its use, many women have experienced the efficacy of
this one. Make sure you have a trained acupressure
therapist perform this method on you.
3. Castor Oil:
Castor oil may be used for many different purposes, but
its ability to induce labor is time tested and known since
long. Ancient Egyptians used this oil to bring about
uterine contractions and promote labor. Castor oil is
basically nothing but a powerful laxative that stimulates
both your gut and uterus, which in turn induces labor.
Castor oil however has a bad reputation for bringing
about nausea and diarrhoea which could leave you
feeling dehydrated. Make sure you seek medical advice
before using it as a labor promoting mechanism.
4. Sex:
Surprised? Don’t be. Sex is a good way to get started
into labor, and is thought to work in three ways. First,
by stimulating contractions during an orgasm, secondly
by triggering the release of oxytocin (the contraction
hormone) and third, by allowing the semen, which has a
high concentration of prostaglandins that help soften the
cervix and allow it to progress into labor.
Important– Those experiencing vaginal bleeding or
having a low lying placenta or having their waters
broken should avoid trying sex as a method to induce
5. Pineapple:
Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is packed with many
important vitamins and minerals. Pineapple is believed
to be another great natural food that induces labor.
Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which is
believed to soften the cervix and start the labor
Fresh pineapple is believed to be packed with the
enzyme bromelain, so make sure you consume the fruit
in its ripe, fresh state. It is always a good idea to have
your doctor’s word for this one.
6. Spicy Foods:
Consuming spicy foods is yet another good way to
induce labor naturally. While there is no credible
evidence to back up as to how this works or if it is
really effective, it is believed that spicy foods gently
irritate the intestines and cause your uterine muscles to
A lot of women have tried and tested this option and
have experienced good results- so if your doctor is okay
with it, you can give it a try.
These are some safe options on how to induce labour
naturally before considering the clinical inducement.
Different women react differently in labor so you have to
understand what suits you the best.
Had a similar experience in labor? Do share the same
with our other moms.
Happy Motherhood!

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